Weapons law germany, Wikipedia
amnesty international
Weapons - Intention
Waffen .
KulturQuadrat .
Skulptur Plastik .
Photographie .
The large share of weapons in our society, the handling and its effects, like the killing sprees of recent years
in Germany and America, but also the world wars and Clashes were for Jan Köthe the reason to deal with the
topic of weapons.
For his work he uses inoperable, formerly sharp long and short weapons.
Köthes goal is to destroy these weapons, but not to deprive them of the public.
The observers should be confronted with the socially important weapon theme.
A guided tour through the arms collection of the LKA was influential for him and strengthened him a lot,
to work with this topic.
Lack of perspectives and media of violence must be mentioned in the same breath today
[...] The willingness to use one's own interests also by applying physical Violence is increasing to the same
extent as the use of violence Emotional dulling, numbness, reduced inhibition threshold Use of force,
diminished affect control and lack of critical ability
[...] adolescents prone to mindless political slogans and propaganda. Because of Their easy manipulability
they can also instrumentalized to violent acts become.
Rudolf H. Weiß: Violence, media and aggression among students
The intention relates inter alia. on the social change of teens in relation to
Media influence and resulting violent excesses. His goal is to give people with weapons
in this context to confront and sensitize.
The project "Weapons for the Arts" was commissioned by Mrs. Ilse Brusis, Minister of Culture NRW a.D., and
Dr. Fritz Behrens, President of the NRW Cultural Foundation and Minister of Justice NRW a.D.
The Ministry of the Interior NRW has provided confiscated and extradited firearms.
Under the supervision of a security officer, the weapons were deliberately deformed to run and mechanics.
Functionality and recovery are no longer possible.
Figures about weapons in Germany and worldwide:
- For each destroyed weapon ten new ones are produced.
- About 14 billion rounds of ammunition are produced annually - two for every citizen of the world.
- Every year hundreds of thousands of people are victims of illegal firearms.
Millions of men, women and children live in constant fear of armed violence.
Nevertheless, around 1249 companies in over 90 countries are involved in the production of
Involved in small arms and light weapons. This startling balance was laid by the
Organizers of the campaign "Weapons Under Control! from Amnesty International and Oxfam
on the International Day for the Destruction of Weapons.
- The risk of a member of your family dying from a bullet wound is 22 times
so high if you have a gun in the house. In only 2 percent of the cases will be
Shots fired on burglars. The rest shoots (accidentally) his
Family members, neighbors or friends. "
There is information material and research from the Federal Government and the police,
dealing with weapons abuse or media and violence.